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Life insurance quotes

Life insurance quotes 

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman? - Woody Allen

For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow feeding the public a steady line of sacred bull. - Ralph Nader

I can handle being married for my money; it's being married for the life insurance that gives me pause. - Jacob M. Appel

I do not sell life insurance. I sell money. I sell dollars for pennies apiece. My dollars cost 3 cents per dollar per year. - Ben Feldman

Remember kids, I have life insurance. - Adam Savage

My mother had taught shorthand and typing to support us since my father died, and secretly she hated it and hated him for dying and leaving no money because he didn't trust life insurance salesmen. - Sylvia Plath

Once your kids are grown and you know that you're completely healthy, consider canceling your life insurance policy. - Suze Orman

insurance quotes | Life insurance quotes
insurance quotes | Life insurance quotes 

Marriage is primarily an economic arrangement, an insurance pact. It differs from the ordinary life insurance agreement only in that it is more binding, and more exacting. - Emma Goldman

Getting life insurance is like making a bet you can't win. If you live, you don't get the money. If you die, you don't get to enjoy the money. - Oliver Gaspirtz

There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman? – Woody Allen

Had I been injured on the freeway and not in combat, it is likely that I would be bankrupt even though I had medical insurance through my civilian employer. – Tammy Duckworth

It is not good not to have health insurance; that leaves the family very vulnerable. – Elizebeth Warren

When you have insurance you know that you are secured against any unforeseen events in life, and this gives you complete peace of mind. – Iffco Tokio

The chief beneficiary of life insurance policies for young, single people is the life insurance agent. - Wes Smith

Every man has problems that only life insurance can solve. In the young man's case, the problem is to create cash; for the older man, to conserve it. - Ben Feldman

Nothing is more important than your life and your ability to make a living. So it makes good sense to insure your greatest asset – you! – BT Australia

insurance quotes | Life insurance quotes
insurance quotes | Life insurance quotes 

Medical professionals, not insurance company bureaucrats, should be making health care decisions. – Barbara Boxer

Insurance brokers make way too much money for the value they provide. – Parker Conrad

insurance quotes

If a child, a spouse, a life partner, or a parent depends on you and your income, you need life insurance. – Suze Orman

Life insurance offers a man the only way where he can make his will before he makes his money. - Anonymous

You don’t buy life insurance because you are going to die, but because those you love are going to live. - Anonymous

insurance quotes | Life insurance quotes
Life insurance quotes 

You can get up to a million dollars or more in life insurance in case you die. But can only get about seven or eight bucks an hour to live. - Stanley Victor Paskavich

As an athlete, I understood the value of my health insurance. I knew that in my profession, injuries were common and could happen at any time. – Magic Johnso

I detest life insurance agents, they always argue that I shall someday die, which is not so. - Stephen Butler Leacock

it's very easy for trusted companies to mislead naive customers, and life insurance companies are trusted. - Daniel Kahneman

There is only one kind of life insurance, and that is pure protection based on a mortality table. All others are pure protection plus a cash value element that I call 'funny' banking. - Venita VanCaspel

I actually lost 90 pounds over the course of 15 months in order to save money on life insurance. - Derek Kilmer

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